Tasty What type are you? Of type? Type type tasty type? ok cool too cool too cool tsafnur published on December 17, 2013 Stacked 1/7 Ellen Degeneres is dead?? No i checked REALLY I dont like I KILLED??? BUT I LOVE HERRR 2/7 It's a typical friday night, you would most prefer to spend it... Out on the town, I love getting to know new people! Doing a private activity, I like my own company sometimes. It depends on my mood, and the week I had. Spending the night with my significant other. A little bit of this, a little bit of that. 3/7 Food groups Bred That sugary Meat? Sugar?? Milkk??? A balanced diet I can't choose 4/7 Messy room OK COOL I will clean it tomorrow CLEAN IT NOW I'd start cleaning it, but end up distracted and crying. Eh, I'll try clean it 5/7 Quesadilla? HELLA maybe? is it cheesy? Yes No 6/7 FACES? I have one, yes. I DONT UNDDRSTAND As in geometry? I CAN DO THEM ALL, WITH THE TONGUES FEET AND TOE 7/7 Choose the option most suited to your own personality. Active, extrovert, people lover. Intelligent, introverted, happy in their own company. Mix of both