do you like summer sun or winter fun? i know some are into winter while others are into summer! but this is a fun quiz! Fluttershyfan2 published on December 11, 2013 Stacked 1/5 you see a cat what do you do? get it's fur off of it for the poor thing it must be sweating in all this heat! keep it 2/5 so it's the first day of summer you... go to beach and do everything awesome! stay in my nice cold house i don't think i'm going out in a looong time... 3/5 A FIRE! what do you do? get nice and warm with it... far. away. as. possible! 4/5 it's winter what do you do? play outside and try to get as chilly as possiible! stay inside i shant ever go outside untill spring! 5/5 it's an eclipse what do you do PAAANIC NO SUUUUN! jump around it's like december out here!