What is your Future Career? Find out what the perfect job for you would be in the future! Enjoy this quiz!!! MockingjayDistrict published on November 28, 2013 Stacked 1/6 Did you enjoy this? I worked REALLY hard on it! :D Yes Nah, not really GIVE ME THE RESULTS ALREADY!!! Kind of Meh YES!!! 2/6 What is the first thing you do once you get home from school? Practice vocals, gotta be good if I want to be famous! Sit down in a quiet place and study/read Make sure no one in the family has a single cut or bruise, if they do then you'll fix them up quick! Shoot some hoops in the drive way or play soccer in the back yard. Sometimes I hit a tennis ball off the side of the house too! Practice for the school play or watch some drama shows on TV. If your gonna learn then learn from the best! Watch the Law & Order episode you recorded last night or argue with your family about anything and everything Tutor your younger (and sometimes older) siblings. 3/6 Someone comes up to you in the hall and asks you for help with ____, What is it? Vocals, DUH!!! Everyone knows about my awesome voice. We're doing a medical unit in class so of course they need me to help them study. Rehearsing lines for a school/class play. The whole school knows I'm great at acting. We're doing a unit on law in class, I need to help them with their homework. Oh, they're just looking for a book recommendation. They need to get on the school's soccer team, so of course I'll help them practice, I'm a sports maniac! They need someone to tutor them so of course I'm their first choice. 4/6 What subject would you like to study? Music Medicine Drama Law The usual stuff Sports (if that's a class) Teaching 5/6 What would you like your job to be? Doctor Singer Actress Lawyer Librarian Pro Sports Player Teacher 6/6 Let the fates decide... FATE FaTe Fate fate FAAAATE fAtE F A T E