If you are given a task, do you stick to it? Do you stick to a task when you are given one? It's really awesome if you do. Mcdazzle2000 published on December 19, 2013 Stacked 1/5 Do you care about what grades you get in school? Obviously. Well... I don't but my parents will punish me if I get bad grades. School is for losers. 2/5 Do you have a plan for your life ahead of school? (if you are in high school or above only) Not really. Yes, I know what I want to do with my life. I am not in high school yet. My parents will probably decide for me. 3/5 Do you do your homework? No way! Homework is boring! Well duh! I need to get through school to get a job. uh... sometimes? Depends what I have going on after school. 4/5 Do you try hard in school? No, my parents don't care. Yes, of course!!! Sometimes, but other times I just want to hang out with friends and skip school. I do, but only in private because I don't want my friends to think I'm a nerd. 5/5 Do you hang out with people that do their homework? No those people are boring. Yes. Sometimes, but only the awesome ones.