What is You Personality? Find out if you are confident, considerate, creative, etc. Discover just who you are! ME2IKR published on July 24, 2011 Stacked 1/15 People often describe you as... The life of the party A good, strong leader Kind and helpful Creative and interesting Intelligent and thoughtful The best on the team Good with your hands and imaginative 2/15 At a party, you tend to... Voice your opinion often in discussions Be yourself and let loose Be uncomfortable, preferring to be alone Find creative ways to entertain others Talk to others and see how they're doing Head straight to the TV to watch the big game Compliment others on their outfits 3/15 When you have a problem, you tend to... Keep it to yourself- you don't want to worry others Tell many others, asking for their help and opinions Consider your options carefully, perhaps consulting one or two people I don't get problems Try to solve it as quick as possible Consider what others would do, or consider many very different options and choose one at random 4/15 On a scale of one to ten, how outgoing are you? (10 being most) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 5/15 What do you do in your spare time? Swim, Baseball, Basketball, Soccer, etc. Talk to others and see what's up with them Take some random objects and try to make something from it Hang with friends or go out to be around others Daydream, perhaps making up a whole new life in your head Practice your Nobel Prize acceptance speech in the mirror Read, be alone with myself and my thoughts 6/15 Which person would you rather be? Thomas Edison Albert Einstein Me! Michael Jackson William Shakespeare Gordie Howe Eleanor Roosevelt 7/15 What do you want to be when you grow up? President Someone who brings peace A party-goer! A philosopher An actor/actress An architect A pro-athlete 8/15 Would you rather be... Street Smart Book Smart 9/15 People are more likely to describe you as... Creative Imaginative 10/15 You are more... Proud Kind Spontaneous 11/15 Which is most important? Creativity Imagination Brains Having Fun Helping Others Athleticism Self-Assuredness 12/15 Do you tend to act spontaneously or do you think things through? (Closer to 1=More likely to act spontaneously Closer to 10= More likely to think things through) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 13/15 Are you good at sports? Yes No 14/15 Do you tend to know what others are feeling? Yes No 15/15 On a scale of 1 to 5, how creative are you? (5 being most) 1 2 3 4 5