How Mahogany are you? Mahogany= awesome. Awesome= mahogany. Mahogany is a perf color and you better like it too. TheMahoganyMasterrrr published on November 17, 2013 Stacked 1/10 FREEBIE! How tall are you? 4'0- 4'8 4'9-5'3 5'4-5'6 5'7 and above 2/10 What type of personality do you think you have? Quiet, gentle, shy, but you make sure you have your say in things. You are loud, crazy, smart, but you know when to keep quiet. You are considered weird and nerdy and you love books and movies. Your friends see you as someone to look up to for your kind and generous behavior. You're very social but you know how to be independant. 3/10 What are your favorite artists and bands? Once again choose the one that you love the most out of these. Or if you don't love them whatever. One Direction The Fray Lana Del Ray Taylor Swift Justin Bieber 4/10 What do you have in your room? (I know it sounds so creepy xD) A lamp obviously, a desk, some paper and pencils lying there, drawers, a chair, a bed CLOTHES EVERYWHERE! ON THE FLOOR AND YOU CAN'T EVEN SEE IT. A few treasured items, a closet, a carpet, some throw pillows, cute holiday decorations, snacks sitting on the nightstand, posters. An easel, a paintset, you love anything that has to do with art and you have it all over your room to show apperciation. 5/10 Favorite candy? Anything that has chocolate! Hershey, Mr. Goodbars, Almond joys, whoppers, milk duds, kit kats, and so on. Lollipops! Candy? I prefer gum. It doesn't give me as many cavities. Starbursts, laffy taffy, jolly ranchers, gushers, fruit roll-ups, all that good stuff! 6/10 Hey! I apologize that this was so short. Anyway, I hope you enjoyed! Mahogany to me is how you differ from others and you're extra bold and outgoing. There is no right or wrong results, just completely opinions. This does not determine your life. And if you didn't like it I'm sorry :( anyway, I hope you have a good day and I hope you answered all these honestly or my mahogany powers will force you to retake! Okay! Thanks xx bai. Bye BYE YOU LOVING ALPACA CORRY-JENN THE THIRD MAHOGANY JONES I WILL MISS YOU HEY I REMEMBERED YOUR NAME! IT TOTALLY SUCKED. (Me: Well, thanks for everything.) 7/10 How do you handle relationships? Well, I'll flirt with them since I know I'm young and I'll probably never get him/her. I'll make a move. I won't let the other people get him/her because they are a rightful object of mine. You're never too young for love! Give him/her a potato...if they like it then they love you. Learn all their favorite songs and tunes, movies, books, and more. 8/10 Favorite animal? Narwhals! THE ALMIGHTY UNDERWATER HORSES! WITH A HORN! Unicorns. They're unique and obviously exist. Dogs because they're a woman/man's best friend and can bite annoying people. All animals! Especially cats and horses! So FLUFFY! CUDDLEABLE TOO. I HATE ANIMALS. 9/10 What's your fave color? If you don't have any from these, choose one that you love the most! (I know everybody kind of hates this question xD) Mahogany, DUH Turquoise and Lavender RAINBOW Yellow or pink 10/10 What is the meaning of life? Why are you asking me this... To be happy! To get married and have kids like everyone else, duh. To experience crazy things. You're not afraid to jump.