What Background Pony Are you most like? (My Little Pony) This is just a personality quiz about my little pony friendship is magic. CloverPuppy1078 published on January 27, 2014 Stacked 1/8 What is your favorite color? Blue. Gray Hands. Where did my socks go? 2/8 What Do you Like to do for Fun? Listen to dubstep EAT MUFFINZ!! NOM NOM NOM I dunno Play Cello!! :3 3/8 Herp Derp. *puts on headphones* Sorry, can't hear youu!!! ... Hai The bologna in my closet, it's all moldy now... 4/8 Do you like muffins? Are you kidding? YESH!!! :D They're alright, I suppose Sure! :3 Well... I spend more of my time playing READING ABOUT HUMANS 5/8 What kind of music do you like? Dubstep Classic Just... Random music.. i dunno... HUMANS 6/8 What do you do on saturdays? Squirm on the floor. EVERYTHING. Practice. Nothing. 7/8 Which Instrument Is Best? Cello Lier WUBS Soccer Ball 8/8 Do you liek music? Yep! :D Of course. Muffinz HANDS