What will you be when you grow up What do you want to be when you grow up? A popstar? A vet? Or maybe even a ghost buster take this quiz to find out what we think you should be! purplemonkeys11 published on November 16, 2013 Stacked 1/5 Do you like Animals? Yes All of them there so cute! No I don't really like animals Depends witch ones 50-50 i do and i don't 2/5 Do you like sparkles? Yes i wish i could wear them every day! Only at a disco or party 50-50 No I never wear them only if my mum makes me I don't know 3/5 How would your friends describe you? The joker Caring Athletic Smart Cool Pretty The best friend ever Poetic Other 4/5 Do you sing with the hair brush or dance to the radio? Always singing in the hairbrush I dance so much my mum sometimes yells stop banging! Both None Don't prefer to say 5/5 What do you do at the weekend? Hang out with Family and friends Shopping of course Get fit Eat out My Hobbies Play on electronics / go on the web Travel about Read Watch Films Other