Is working in a spa right for you? Take this quiz to see if working in a spa is the right career choice for you... iamkyra4444 published on November 13, 2013 Stacked 1/10 how quickly do you learn new things? im a very fast learner it takes me a while i learn at my own pace i go as fast as i can 2/10 how well do you work in a team? i prefer working alone i love working in a team theres no I in team i hate working in a team, i wont! 3/10 you're working and its almost your lunch break but youve been scheduled for another client...what do you do? just leave its my lunch break, theres no time stay you have no choice you were overbooked see if a coworker can do it for you complain to the boss but still do it 4/10 do you enjoy giving manicures, pedicures or just working on friends and family? yes no 5/10 how do you work under stressfull situations? sometimes stress gets the best of me I find when im stressed it pushes me i break down and have to stop what im doing sometimes its hard but i always pull through 6/10 when a customer demands a discount because there un happy with the service what do you do? (in your opinion nothings wrong) tell them to bite it! the customers always right bring the store owner and make an arrangment tell them that you can give them a discount because nothing was done wrong 7/10 are you good at upselling? whats upselling? forsure i can sell anything im alright, can only get better its really scarry 8/10 do you enjoy meeting new people and working one on one? no yes i can do it but i dont like it i love meeting new people!!! 9/10 Are you social? yes no 10/10 are you good at science? its my favorite subject i hate science its fun but i suck! its alright im good at it