What Kingdom Hearts character are you?

What Kingdom Hearts character are you?

find out what kingdom hearts character you are! just take this simple, short quiz.

published on November 10, 2013

when your thanked, what do you do

when your thanked, what do you do
put your hands behind your head
laugh at them and pity them
remain silent
wave your hands

whats your keyblade?

whats your keyblade?
kingdom key
way to dawn
keyblade of hearts
destinys' embrace

your best friends and your girlfriend/boyfriend are hanging off a cliff, you can only save one

your best friends and your girlfriend/boyfriend are hanging off a cliff, you can only save one
leave them
best friend
use your keyblade and try to save both

favorite time

favorite time

the person you like asks you out, but your friend like that person too, what do you do?

the person you like asks you out, but your friend like that person too, what do you do?
no, you wouldnt do that when you already have your friends
no, you wouldnt betray your friend
brag to your friend about it after you accept
go for it, but keep it secret