Are you ready to ask her out? (For Men) (1)

Are you ready to ask her out? Do you know if it's the right time? Let this quiz help you figure it out. Make sure you are honest otherwise the quiz won't give you the best possible answer.

published on November 07, 20137 responses 1
Are you ready to ask her out? (For Men) (1)
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In a relationship I am currently looking for...

Someone to sleep with.
I don't know what I want.

When It comes to my life I am currently...


When it comes to her, we went on...

1-2 Dates.
2-4 Dates.
4+ Dates.
No Dates.

When it comes to her, when we are together, I look at her as..

A future partner.
A hot piece of... ###
I don't know yet.

When It comes to me and my relationships...

I know what I want out of a relationship.
I am not sure what I want out of a relationship.

When it comes to her, I have already...

Kissed her.
Kissed her and slept with her.
Have not kissed or slept with her.

When I am with her, I can guess (or not) how she feels about me...

She looks like she likes me.
She doesn't look like she likes me.
I do not know.

When It comes to her, my attraction level to her is..

I am very attracted to her.
I am in-between.
I am not attracted to her.

When it comes to her and my jokes she usually..

Laughs at them.
Sometimes laughs at them.
Shows no laughter what-so-ever,

I really want to...

Ask this girl out.
Sleep with her.
I HONESTLY don't know what I want.