How to know if a boy loves you?

How to know if a boy loves you?

Boys are really good friends but at times girls don't know how to distinguish if a boy loves her romantically or only as a friend. Here is a quiz to help you know in what way a boy loves you! Don't 4get 2 comment or vote pls!!! I'm sorry if i am wrong in the results, i made it as accurate as possible!

published on November 06, 2013

Is he eager to be where you are? Does he ask you if you're going somewhere he will go too?

Yes he does at times
Yes always

If you suddenly turn around and meet his gaze do you find him looking at you as if he was doing so since long?

Yes yes
No no

Did he ask for your mobile number?

Did he ask for your mobile number?
Not yet but i think he will

Will he try to make you laugh if you are alone with him?

We are almost never alone with each other

If and when you are near him and put a hand on his shoulder or make any physical contact knowingly or unknowingly what is his reaction?

If and when you are near him and put a hand on his shoulder or make any physical contact knowingly or unknowingly what is his reaction?
He quietly lets you make physical contact
After 5 seconds he does something to get away from your touch
He quickly does something to get away
He does the same to you in return
I never do such thing

Are you his confident? Does he share some secrets or problems with you?

Yes a lot
No he acts tough every time

Is he concerned if you're absent when you said you'd be present? Like Does he ask why you're absent?

Yes he asks me
No he asks no one
Don't know cause he doesn't ask me where i was
Yes he asks my friends

Does he always always make eye contact with you? Particularly if you are all laughing, talking and teasing!! (eye contact for petty things matters too but are they often occurring?)

Does he always always make eye contact with you? Particularly if you are all laughing, talking and teasing!! (eye contact for petty things matters too but are they often occurring?)
Yes we make eye contact almost for everything
Rare eye contact, not even noticeable eye contact!
No eye contact.. only once in a lifetime

Please don't be bored it's the end!! (this question does not count :D )

Please don't be bored it's the end!! (this question does not count :D )
Finally!! The end!!
I was not bored
It was fun
Eager for results!!

Every time you are near he will come to speak to you

Every time you are near he will come to speak to you
Uhm... yes..
Sure!! Every time he talks to me!!
No he does not talk
At times we speak but rarely will he hurry to talk to me

Does he have a girlfriend or interest in anyone?

Don't know if he has one

How do you feel he sees you? (Be honest cause this answer counts a lot)

He loves me romantically
He flirts with everyone so I'm one of them perhaps or definitely
He has an interest in me particularly
I'm a good friend to him
I'm only part of his group of friends who he treats the same

Do you find him looking secretly if you are laughing with others (boys or girls)? (be honest here!! and think well)

Perhaps but he might be looking at someone else