Is your crush made for you? Find out if you and your crush are compatible and can be together or not.... Geekgirlglasses published on November 04, 2013 Stacked 1/8 Is he hot? Yes everybody loves him No nobody likes him so i'm too embarrassed to tell anyone 2/8 Is there away where you can keep in touch with him over the weekend? Yep we talk on the internet/phone all weekend unfortunately there isn't a way 3/8 Do you know much about your crush? Yes I know almost everything No I know nothing 4/8 Does your crush have a girlfriend/boyfriend ? No Yes 5/8 Do you make him laugh or does he make you laugh? He makes me laugh all the time I always make him laugh Both 6/8 Why do like your crush? Obivously He's good looking He's personality He's smart He has good fashion sense All of them above (not including the one below) No reason he's just the right guy for me 7/8 Are you a shy or confident person? Deffo Confident Eyes are always on me Very shy Both I'm not that shy but I'm not that confident 8/8 Does he talk to you allot? Not at all Most of the time yes