your Yule ball. dress and date part 1

your Yule ball. dress and date part 1

Hi me again. Well I love everyone else's Yule ball quizzes and had to make one of my own. This one tells you who your date is and the next tells you what kind of dress. Thank you!

published on November 03, 2013147 responses 17
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What do you look for in a guy?

What do you look for in a guy?
I don't care as long as he can dance!
Sense of humor
If he's famous...
His cash cash cash
Oh his kindness
Looks of course
His smile

Who is your wizard crush?

Who is your wizard crush?
* in a heartbeat * Harry potter!!!!
Well that Neville kid is kinda cute.
That Draco Malfoy *sigh*
The kid that blows up everything- oh yeah Seamus
I sort of like Ron weasley
Michael corner
Dean. Dean Thomas
Eek Cedric diggery! Strong but silent!!

Which girl in Harry potter is most like you?

Which girl in Harry potter is most like you?
Hermione granger -the smart one
Ginny weasley- the sweet rebel
Luna lovegood -the different one in a good way
Pansy Parkinson -the obnoxious one
Parvati patil -the kind one
Cho Chang -the one Harry likes
Katie bell -the good quidditch player
Lavender brown -the one that Er dated Ron

How do you hope to be asked out?

How do you hope to be asked out?
Oh friends passing around gossip
Straight up in my face!
My friend tells me.
His friend asks me for him wimp
I don't even know it just happens!
I just hope I'm not ordered
Idk I just hope I can go.
I just hope my crush asks me

Are you a good dancer?

Are you a good dancer?
YES! I've been in so many competitions
Pretty good I'm a fast learner
Not really I mean I can pull it off but not well
Anything BUT ballroom
Oh I'm dreadful don't even start
No comment
I am really working hard on it and can't wait to show off
some moves.
Well I'm better than anyone

What do you plan on wearing?

What do you plan on wearing?
Oh pink like a tulip layer dress
Pale green short dress
Bright yellow short dress
Hot pink flowing dress
Long gold dress so pretty
Red long slit dress
Long purple dress
Grey pale dress

What will you do if your guy leaves you?

What will you do if your guy leaves you?
Omg I would so cry :(
Whatever didn't like him much anyway
Hook with some other hottie to make him jealous
Hide in the bathroom and talk to moaning myrtle
Be all angry until he regrets it!
I would leave the ball to sulk
Eh wouldn't care that much
Dance with other people's dates until I found the right one

What are you going to do at the yule ball?

What are you going to do at the yule ball?
Umm dance that kind of why I went
Kiss my date like for pretty much the whole time
Eat all of the delicious food served
Talk to my bffs about our dates
Try try to have a good time
Find a new guy
Dance randomly

Do you think you'll have a good time?

Do you think you'll have a good time?
Yes of course
No I'm just going because I have to
No I'm only going because I don't want to be a loner
Yes this is the perfect set up for me and my crush!
Yeah but I just want to dance
All my friends are going so yeah
I can try to Have a good time
Yeah this is the moment of my life