are you likeable by boys

are you likeable by boys

do u like boys find out if they like u bak and try 2 make improvements on ur behavior toward them

published on November 03, 2013

how much do u lik clothes

how much do u lik clothes
a lot they r my life CANNOT liv without them
im sort of a girly girl i lik cloths and all but they r not my
no im not really fussed about anythin girly and 2 do wid clothes
i lik 2 look nice dats all

hav u ever don anything to help some1 other than urself

hav u ever don anything to help some1 other than urself
no y would i wanna do dat plus 2 much work
yes all the time its my life
sometimes only wen REALLY REALLY needed
people should try not to get demselfs in trouble y should i help THEM i am a goddess

do u use people for their money sometimes

do u use people for their money sometimes
no never dat is a cruel thing to do
sometimes but not lik MAJOR
yes of course wat else do u need a boyfriend for

how long do u spend gettin ready

how long do u spend gettin ready
hours i need pamper myself
not long few minutes
i get half ready wen im about 2 go 2 bed and it still takes hours

do u want to be a good person

yes absolutely how can u not
LOL no that never gets u anywhere
sort of
yes i think

hav u ever truly been in lov

hav u ever truly been in lov
no i dont let any1 into my emotions that is 4 week people
yes i hav and it is great
no i try not to

hav u ever broke someones heart just for fun

no i would never ever do dat
no dont think so
yes it was soooo fun

do u ever feel lik ur heart is breaking

no i would never let some1 break my heart
yes a lot of the time
i break hearts i never got mine broken

r ur friends really true or r they frenemies

r ur friends really true or r they frenemies
i can never hav real friends its too dangerous
oh yes it brilliant they r the best ever
no dont really want to
oh yes

would u do anything for love

would u do anything for love
no never how could i do that
i think so