when will you get ur period you anxious about wen ur period is starting me 2 ill estimate wen it'll start but remember dis isnt 100% accurate chiamaka.duruanyanwu published on November 03, 2013 Stacked 1/11 do u want it badly yes gettin stressed out not really a bit no not at all 2/11 have you had any food cravings or an increase on ur appetite no yes yes i want something 2 munch rite now sometimes on and off 3/11 how moody are you quite a lot recently no im quite cheery i feel lik im on a rollercoaster sometimes not a lot 4/11 do u hav any growing pains at all remember not every1 has it no yes i do YEAH it hurts real bad 5/11 how much do u weigh i hate 2 pry but its important less than 70 pounds 70-80 pounds 90-100 100+ 6/11 do u hav any back lower stomoch pains or headaches yes a lot yes no a little recently 7/11 how old r u 9 or under 10-11 11-13 14-15 16+ 8/11 do u have discharge no wat da heck is dat yes a lot i have to wear pantyliners normal amount a bit once in a while 9/11 wat r ur boobs lik ( soz personal) big round and fulll lik a womans b-c cups a aa aaa,training bra dont hav any 10/11 wat was the age gap between wen ur mum or older sis got it 1-2 yrs 1.5 yrs same age 6 months 1-3 months 11/11 are all of your answers 100% true yes no most not a lot