Would I invite you to my sleepover?xxxx I'm having a sleepover, wanna come?xxxx This is a quiz to see if you'll come....!!!! loveheart published on October 29, 2013 Stacked 1/8 We are doing make-up, would you take part and what would the make-up be?xxxx Yeah, defo - every single piece of make up there is. Probs- Some maskara and lip stick NOOOO way, I hate make up Maybe- a little blusher I'd do other peoples, not mine. 2/8 We take pictures, whats you pose?xxxx Smile pout Sticking tounge out Shocked A straight frown 3/8 P-jays, what ones would you wear??? xxxx A hot pink or blue onzie and rainbow slipper socks xx Matching top and bottoms, I'd look cool x A night-dress and slippers with my hair in a pony tail... Jogging bottoms and a vest top like something I'd hang out in....!!!! Other... I wear different ones every night!!! 4/8 We choose to get a take-away, what is it?xxxx Pizza Chinease I don't eat take aways Salad Kebabs 5/8 What time do you come?xxxx 3 5 7 7:30 8 6/8 If we were making a youtube video, what would it be about?xxxx Me, Only me!!!! Maths, English, Science: SCHOOL!!!! All of us... Hair and make-up Sports 7/8 How would you have your hair?xxxx In a pony tail In a bun Down Straight curled 8/8 We watch a film, whats it about?xxxx Romance Comedy Adventure Horror Thriller