What Kind Of Animal Are You? (2) Are you a mean angry lion who lurkes for prey, or are you a cute little bunny who hops around? kass1551 published on October 26, 2013 Stacked 1/6 What is somewhat your favorite color? Black...anything dark. Pink and yellow Light colors! Honestly? I like light colors. . .but if you tell people I will rip you to peices! Tell everyone I like BLACK and RED, because it's the color of blood. Urrrr. . .I like dark colors, but my friends say I'm more of a light colored gal. I like blue and green O.o 2/6 What's your favorite movie genre? Love stories!!!! Scary of course- I mean what do you think? I like all those sappy 'chick flicks' HA ofcourse not! Scary. Why all these annoying questions? Uh. . .Kiddie movies? Fine! I LOVE SCARY!! Umm. . .well I like regular movies. . .you know FUNNY HALARIOUS movies that make you laugh :) 3/6 How do your friends define you? They say i'm mean, very mean. . .I hardly have any friends, because they get on my nerves and I beat them up. They say I'm sweet, but I'm not okay! Most people at school are terrified of me- I've never gotten in a fight- but I am MEAN NOT nice!! They say I'm really mean, but most people say I'm sweet. . .until they get to KNOW me. They say I'm sweet and adorable, It makes me blush, but I don't complain. 4/6 1-5 how much did you love this? 0 3 10! Uh, I mean 6. 100! You broke the scale! About 5 5/6 What's your favorite number? (just say something) 1-20 2 8 0 9 6/6 Do you like to read. Uh, I guess. . .I'm more of a TV person. OF COURSE THEY ARE W-O-N-D-E-R-F-U-L!!!! Maybe. No.