What ARE you? what the heck are you in my vision... animal... color...foood? I dunno what you will become in the future or what your children will be one day. Aveline555 published on October 26, 2013 Stacked 1/11 What do u like below? NINJA!!!! VAMPIRE!!!!WEREWOLF!!! PONIEZ!!! INVISABLE!!!JIMMY!!!ZERO!!!flowers... shut up 2/11 one,2, 5 or deer? Dear... none of those answeres are down here... í hate you...how much longer!? Doom! now with more rainbows and bugs! 3/11 What do you like? Nothing you already asked that question... :D Yes... 254643578 Slenderman, cake, bla, bla, bla... him/her 4/11 Good or Evil? Yin Yang Ice Fire GOOD, good, good...mwahahaha I'm bad! 5/11 Do you like 3? Like my dad once said: "Follow that xylophone! I do and yet... Thx very much. ;D SHoeS, SHOES EveRY whEre!!! NO? 6/11 HIM Im a girl... ima boy... i have a new kitty! Snakes and spiders im hungry and i hate school... 7/11 How old are you, and whats your hobbiez and smiley face?! 5-12 and i LOVE dancing with frendz XP 13-15 and i like art stuffs and gaming :a 100-2(HOw does that work?) I like eating ;o 16-19 and i hate you C: the age of eternity and saving the day 8/11 Whats your fav animal? Bunniez! RaInBoWS and hot dudes ;D Wolf llamas of time Spiders or cats 9/11 What do you wear? Anything PINK AND GREEN AND-AND-RAINBOWS!!! Black and red Long dresses full of cute flowers and puppies Blue and white tops with jeans or shorts...also i never NEVER wear dresses/skirts unless needed 10/11 it's a scary dark place and you don't know what to do until.... Some sexy person(Girlfriend or boyfriend) saves me Scream!!! but it was all a nightmare anyways... the light..i must FOLLOW!Rainbows, ima comin'!! help me... 11/11 Srry... are you ok... NO!!!! Oh no i should be the one who is apologizing... Whut... Oh no a camel!