what pattern are you? Who doesn't love a cute pattern. Take this quiz and find out which pattern is so you. May be you'll be floral or zig zag or zebra. cgkittymew published on October 17, 2013 Stacked 1/7 What is your favorite flower Rose All of them Lily Perennial Petunias 2/7 What is your favorite of these? INSTAGRAM Facebook Snapchat MySpace 3/7 What is your favorite book I LOVE HARRY POTTER I like all books Percy Jackson Twilight Wizard of oz 4/7 What clubs are you in at school. Umm like I'm totally in cheerleading soo Student council PRESIDENT peeps. On top of the world- Er school.h Ermm I'm in eating Er- club does that count. I just lllloooovvveee to dance. Study buddies. ;) 5/7 Who is your favorite celebrity Kim Kardashian Niall horan Daniel radcliff Justin bieber Katy Perry 6/7 What is your favorite sport Soccer Football Uh tennis Uh dance I just am awful at sports 7/7 What is your favorite makeup brand. Mabey it's ummm uh MABELINE! Covergirl I like the Eos. Eos lip balm. Avon Omg I love like all makeup