Would you date me?(I'm a Girl!) :p Just want to see if I'm anyone on here's type. Another test thats just for fun! blahh123 published on October 14, 2013 Stacked 1/9 how do you feel about girls who cuss/swear? they're trashy I don't care Fine by me 2/9 whats your preference on Height? I Like really tall girls I like average kind of tall girls I like it when girls are short I like Super short girls! 3/9 How do you feel about a girl's hair color? I love brunette! Blondes all the way! Red heads are where its at Black hair is the best doesnt matter to me! 4/9 Labels suck, but if you had to choose, Which would you prefer your girl to be? athlete/ jock preppy nerd/geek goth emo rocker gangster hipster 5/9 what do you think the best feature in a girl is Humor Looks kindness popularity 6/9 What kind of eye color do you like? blue green hazel brown 7/9 whats Your favorite holiday? Christmas Halloween Valentines day <3 april fools 8/9 what kind of music would you want your girl to listen to? rock rap country dub step 9/9 you'd like a girl who is Artistic talented at singing talented at playing an instrument really really smart