would I date you??(I'm a girl) Just curious on what people score :) Pretty much just for fun soo yeah! blahh123 published on October 14, 2013 Stacked 1/12 eye color? blue/green hazel light brown dark brown 2/12 Are you considered funny? I've been told I'm Hilarious I have my moments no 3/12 Pick the best that fits your taste in music All rock from classic to screamo to metal All rap from Gangster to mainstream A mixture of rock and rap Country all the way dubstep/electronic/techno I like a bunch of different genres other 4/12 body type? Super Muscular Got some muscles skinny fat 5/12 Will you talk to me especially if you do well? Yeah totally maybe no 6/12 how old are you? under 15 16-20 20+ 7/12 height?? Pretty tall (6ft+) Average i guess (5'6+) Kind of ahort (5'5 and below) 8/12 Do you flirt with other girls? NO WAY mmmaybe sometimes All the time 9/12 hair length? Very short/bald shortish kind of long (chin/shoulder length) long 10/12 favorite movie genre?? Horror Action Adventure Fantasy Science Fiction Comedy Romance Mystery/thriller documentary 11/12 Hair Color? Black Blonde Brown Red(natural) dyed 12/12 I'm kind of wierd(not in a creepy way) Are you? I'm A wierdo :p No I'm pretty normal.. I'm weird but i have been considered creepy