Prospit or Derse Find Out whether you are in Prospit or Derse. Take the quiz please. glub jamminjammer431 published on October 11, 2013 Stacked 1/6 If you could either choose the heart, the mind, or the spirit, which would you choose? Heart Spirit Mind 2/6 If you were given two choices, the first is to sacrifice yourself so everyone could live, the second is to conquer eight worlds to unlock your own planet where you are the king. I would eat cookies I would leave 3/6 If you could either sit and admire the clouds all day, or talk to a stranger about saving your friends lives, which would you do? Admire clouds Talk to stranger 4/6 Do you have nightmares often Never Yes 5/6 Cookies or Cake Cookies Cake 6/6 If you could either have a narwhal, or an elephant, which would you choose? Elephant Narwhal