Which Mortal Instruments Character would you be? Simon, Jace, Alec, Magnus, Isabelle, Clary, Maia, Luke, Jocelyn, Valentine or the Seelie Queen abbeyallen9500 published on October 11, 2013 Stacked 1/5 you want a girl/boy that... loves you know matter what will fight for your life loves you forever will not hide his love for you will give you everything keeps you interested 2/5 what is your pet peeve to always be hunger to not be able to have something you want keeping secrets not being near someone you love loving someone being hurt over and over 3/5 what weapon would you use in a fight claws whip stele bow and arrow sword none of the above 4/5 how could you help during a fight fight with a sword Fight with a bow and arrow Draw runes fight using whatever you got using a specialized weapon using your skills 5/5 what do you do in your free time play an instrument train draw