Are you Ready to be a Parent?

Are you Ready to be a Parent?

This quiz is for couples who are deciding to have a child or not. This quiz will help you determine if you are ready to be a parent by just asking a few questions.

published on October 07, 2013

Do you enjoy kids?

Do you enjoy kids?
Love them
There okay
There really fun

Your emotion around kids?

Your emotion around kids?
Angry and scared
Thrilled, so excited
Happy and calm

Are you heathy?

Very, everything organic and healthy
Some what
Not really

How often do you drink or smoke?

Once every two/three weeks
Every day

I believe my partner will be a good parent

I believe my partner will be a good parent
forsure 100%

If your baby starts crying what should you do?

If your baby starts crying what should you do?
Hold the baby & love it
Leave the room where the baby was
Try feeding, burping or changing the diaper while caring for it