Whats ur fav MKWII track 32 tracks only ONE can be it. Myshroom gorge? Bowsers castle? What will it be? zombie191 published on October 06, 2013 Stacked 1/6 do you pick the same map(s) often. And MAYBE consider them overpicked? Yeahh Lolno 2/6 You a blue shell magnet Are you kidding. Of course i am! im more of a tc magnet then a blue 3/6 Do you like tunnels/caves in maps? Yes No 4/6 Do you love the bowser map HECK YEAH Nuuuu 5/6 do you usually have 9000+ vr Nod No... 6/6 do you probably like a track at night? YEAH MAN! (c :3) No. How can i ever see!