How well do you know yourself? (1) This quiz will highlight the good aspects of yourself as well as some things you never knew you liked! MMMMMMM6 published on October 05, 2013 Stacked 1/6 If you inherited a shop what would you like it to be? A farm stock shop An accessories shop A funky clothes shop A book shop A music store A dance studio/party house A film company 2/6 What would you bring to a sleepover? A checked shirt to wear the next day A bunch of fun movies to watch A camera to start making a movie with friends A hair brush, hair ties, accessories and a make up set A good book you think your friends might like A dancing video game Your favourite tunes 3/6 If a new movie was coming out which would you rather it be called? Tracie's long lost country cousin What was found at the library Me, a princess? Party time Friends forever The story of Beethoven Any movie as long as it has good actors in it 4/6 Which holiday destination would you rather go to? Monte Carlo Hollywood Gold Coast, Queensland, Australia Local activity centre Mount Gambier, South Australia, Australia (or any small country town) New York Las Vegas (party time) 5/6 Would you rather? A horse A car A tiara A book A movie A professional dance master class for free Or a musical instrument 6/6 What would you rather do at a party Be crazy with friends Talk to some hot guy Read, who cares about this party Talk about animals Listen to the awesome music Dance with friends (and hot guys) Tell a whole lot of people who you don't know lies. Invent a new self and see how well you can act it!