Are you insecure (1) do you think you are insecure do you have the symptoms.. take this quiz and find out valery published on October 04, 2013 Stacked 1/5 if someone was picking on you what would you do confront then if they have something to say they can say it to my face don't say anything words can't hurt me pull out my switch-blade and stab until i see blood let it get to me.. "maybe their right" 2/5 if you were to die how many people do you think would come to your funeral no one but my family.. nobody cares the whole freaking school even the people i didn't talk to my friends i guess my friends.. the zombies.. that one cute vampire 3/5 if you had to do a group assignment who would be in your group all of my close friends a lot of people that i don't know.. you have to make new friends who ever i got stuck with all of my imaginary friends 4/5 What do you think your role is at school? I'm the person picked last for sports their wouldn't be a school without me there I'M THE PERSON WHO JUST PICTURE BLOWING THE SCHOOL UP i'm only important in my social group 5/5 it's your first day of high school you have your lunch in your hand.. where do you sit? with all of my friends from middle school With the coolest group of people i saw by myself.. nobody really likes me like that FORGET SITTING WHEN YOU CAN HAVE A DANCE PARTY !!!!