what creepypasta are you? (1) what creepypasta are you ben drowned jeff the killer slender man who knows Katt1016 published on October 04, 2013 Stacked 1/7 what do you do after school/work? sharpen my knife nothing go in the woods play video games eat peoples kidneys 2/7 ok last question whos better jeff or ben? jeff the killer ben drowned nether they both suck! 3/7 whats your favorite song? clarity let the bodys hit the floor royals gas peddle i hate music! the wheels on the bus! 4/7 who do you think you will get? jeff slender man eyeles jack jane the killer masky hoodie nina ben drowned 5/7 what do you think about killing? awesomeness eeewww yyyy!! i would never its fun i love it no way! 6/7 what weapon would you use to kill someone? tentacles a kitchen knife a chain saw my hands a cheatoe (lol) a scalp (i dont even know if this makes no sence) 7/7 what is your favorite color you knew this was coming... black red purple blue green