How I feel about you! (IG:shadow_sir_lancelot) I'm shadow, the ultimate lifeform, want to know what I feel? Let's go... Promise me first to not lie! Shadow_the_hedgehog published on October 03, 2013 Stacked 1/7 Umm... *reads paper* what's your hobby..? Drawing, writing, reading and others Playing, fighting, bulling and another Guns, swords, war and another Keeping promises, help, search and another 2/7 We're in a party and you didn't know I would be there, what would you do? Kiss you Hug you Talk to you Ignore you 3/7 What's a 'perfect' date? Kill you (Q.M: I know why you are taking this quiz... Shadow: I'll kill you first...) Anywhere quiet and peaceful Anywhere with action! (Shadow: *rolls eyes* Q.M: SAAAAME! ) Others 4/7 What would you do if I kissed you accendantally (sorry if spelled wrong)? Slap you (Q.M: SAAAAME!) Stay and look at you Kiss back Kiss back deeply (shadow: *blushes* .////. ) 5/7 Shadow/me: I excuse me if you don't like your results but I'm only trying to be honest as much as possible. Okay... *reads paper* question one... the most annoying question... What's your favourite colour? Black and another colour Blue and another colour Red and another colour Green and another colour Others 6/7 Sorry of it was short! Did you like it? Yeah No A little Nyyyeh... It's ok... 7/7 ROLLEPLAY! I knock on your door and ask you for a date, what is your response? No Yes We can give it a try Like friends!