What's your style? (2) Have you ever wondered what your style is well taking this quiz you'll have the answer Stephykitty101 published on October 01, 2013 Stacked 1/6 If You're invited to a slumber party what do you wear? My most expensive pajamas Whatever is in my closet Never would go to slumber party Well what is in my closet but not go so sloppy 2/6 What do you think of the mall Hate it It's ok I go there every now and then Love it 3/6 What would you where at a party? Some cute shorts and a shirt with my flats Depends if its a night party then a super cute dress but if day party jeans with a shirt Wouldn't go to a party Wear a designer outfit that everyone will love 4/6 What would you buy at the mall Dresses,shoes ,purses perfumes... I don't really buy things at the mall just things for a new adventure Mmm I buy things at mall but not so much 5/6 Would you rather go to the mall or out in a adventure The mall of course!!! I like trying new things and going to the mall I prefer an adventure Don't really go to mall 6/6 Would you ever go out in public in a dress Yes it's my everyday style Only in occasions or a hot day Not my style Maybe depends