which duck dynasty character are you? if you love the reality show duck dynasty as much as I do, you would want to see which character you are! enjoy! XxApple_JackxX published on October 01, 2013 Stacked 1/6 what is your favorite sport? soccer baseball basketball tennis dancing volleyball hunting...that is a sport, right? karate fencing water sports 2/6 what is your favorite food here? sandwich pie squirrel 0.0 whatever is cooking fruit mustard packs!...me: 0.0 chicken ummm...I don't know... vegitables whatever im hunting 3/6 what here is your favorite thing to do? get work done make a ham samich cook go shopping hunt. what else? go fishing anything as long as it is fun go on trips go hang out with my friends work 4/6 what is your favorite dog breed here? labs poodles boxer Yorkshire terrier blood hound cute ones as long as it can hunt with me, I don't care what kind it is german shepard pugs great dane 5/6 what is your favorite school subject? awwww... I have to pick just one? NONE! I HATE SCHOOL! physed health geography literacy art science history math 6/6 what is your favorite color? camo. duh! green blue red purple yellow pink orange brown peach-or something like that