RANDOMNESS! CHEEZE BUBBLEZ TRACTORS PINEAPLLE POOP COCONUT STRAW POLAR BEARS ICE CREAM! Aliburger74 published on September 29, 2013 Stacked 1/5 Peanut Butter JELLY TIME WAY OH WAY OH AWY OH WAY OH Um Peanut butter taste good :D Uhhh... what the heck 2/5 What's your favorite food CHEEZE I dont know FOOD Uhhh why do you need to know?! CREEP 3/5 Pineapple WHO LIVES IN A PINEAPPLE UNDER THE SEA Pineapples! YUMMY! Uhh ok what about them? 4/5 Hi Yo DOOOGGG how you doin' Hello :D lol hi jk lol Uhhhh Hi? 5/5 Did you enjoy this? CAN'T ANSWER TOO BUSY EATING BACON OFF MY TOES! Yea totally it was weird though... O.O No..