What would happen to you in a war? A few questions to see if and how would you do in combat scenarios, and if you would live to see the end. matty757 published on September 29, 2013 Stacked 1/5 There are terrorists in a bank- the number is unknown and they have hostiges. They demand that you free fellow terrorists from prison and supply them with money and a plane, pilot and vechicle to get there. If you do not meet their demands they will start killing hostiges every 20 minutes. what do you do Create a diversion at the back to attract attention before launching a full frontal assault and taking them by suprise Make a sh*t load of noise as your helecopter deploys a highly trained infiltration team on top of the roof - those guys will get the job done! Find out as much as you can about the situation inside before you move in, if accurate information prevents its self then and only then will you take act... Throw in stun grenades from doors and windows, move in fast leading lightening teams with sub machine guns, giving you the element of surprise hoping tha... 2/5 The borders of your nation are being assaulted without warning. You are in command of an Apache helicopter and must move fast and hard. Intel suggests that the frontal assault is mostly composed of tanks and infantry. Your forces are already moving to repel the invading forces but what do you equip your helicopter with? A full load of hell fire anti tank missiles- costly but very effective against armor A full load of 72-2.75 rockets in 4 pods. Will incinerate multiple infantry per rocket but you'd have to unload a full pod to at best stop the tank in it... You set a mixed load of 36 2.75 rockets and 8 hell fire missiles so no one is feeling left out - what do you mean too much fire power You attach the 12 barrel mini vulcan guns at .68 cal rounds. And fill your craft with as many as it will hold without limiting your movement - approx.100... 3/5 You are with your 8 troopers split into 2-4 man firing teams.Your mission is to clear the valley of enemy forces with as little as possible casualties yet you must move fast so your battalion can retake the bridges tomorrow. How would you clear the valley? You hear a crack of a rifle and your helmet gets thrown from your head, a second later you hear a thump. you... Instantly take cover and wait for the commander to give orders, he is commander for a reason. Get your boots to dirt and take firing positions around the valley, strategically speaking is the best option for repelling forces but at a cost of time. Take your 4-man firing team up the center of the valley whilst the other team follows taking flanking positions. there is little cover and your team woul... Carry on regardless, it was obviously a stray round and it only coincidentally found your helmet + the last thing the enemy would expect is a pressure ch... 4/5 You have been given orders to locate and report on an advancing enemy column . How would you carry out the patrol. Advance at full speed ahead of the battle group with a select few - if you move fast enough you can catch the enemy patrol ASAP, hopefully you spot them ... Advance only 1 mile from the larger battle group, commanding marksmen to take positions every few 100 ft. After you have achieved the mile distance, move... Use a map to locate the last seen position of the enemy patrol and plan to set an ambush at their usual route, will take time, planning, skill and luck, ... Take 3 of your best with you around the out skirts moving feather light and lightening fast, while your battalion sets up a strong defense at their usual... 5/5 There is 8 men left with the president of the USA, your team have been running for 3 days but your at an end, you approach an abandoned bunker. There is a very small tunnel big enough for 1 man to crawl through on his stomach - after the tunnel its 5 miles to extraction. A hunter team is about 10 minutes away with at least 15x your force. You know it would take at least 12 minutes for all of you to get through then another hour to run to the extraction point - there has to be sacrifice :( Send your best 2 men with the president while the rest of you hold the bunker as long as you can - no one leaves the hole unattended Vow that you will hold the bunker while the rest get the president to the extraction zone. You know you will die but at least you possibly saved your fri... Give a heroic speech whilst handing the president a gun and telling ""Come on you sons-of-bi*ches! Do you want to live for ever?" and then there may be a... Send half of your force with the president and then taking the other half with you and running as far away from the bunker and making as much noise as po...