Minecraft Personality Quiz: what mob are you? What mob are you? Peacful or hostile? Annoying or Quiet? Protective or useless? Mandy411 published on September 21, 2013 Stacked 1/6 How often do you play minecraft? Umm, well it depends?!?!?! I'm ALWAYS on, except when I'm playing sports or going to school. None of your BEESWAX (always nonstop) Well I'm kind of busy creating things in REAL LIFE! I guess I'm on, but mostly for making dramatic youtube vids. 2/6 Do you have pets in mine craft? How? Well not really. YA I HAVE TONS! Why would I need pets? Will they help take over the world? Ya I guess a FEW... A horse named Majesty, 2 dogs Killer, and Jaws... and ummm... 10 cats!!!! 3/6 How do you feel about the Nether? Well as long as my friends don't get hurt >:( It depends on if I'm told by my master to go! But when I'm there it's ok, I guess. Well I'm not sure how to get there? The Nether? Piece of cake! I play on Xtra Xtra XTRA HARD! Well as long as my brother isn't there... 4/6 What's your favorite block? Sponge Wood What was the question? I like all of them, unless that's not cool?!?! I don't care >:( 5/6 How many friends do you have? I have a few, but I mostly hang with my BFF 1 or 2 does it matter? Oh I have a billion!!! JK :) Well I like everyone BUT I envied Jessica for a while! 6/6 What kind of houses do you make? Just normal beautiful ones, but if people try to trespass they are ALWAYS filled with TNT!!! A House? Are we suppose to have one? Well I usually live with my friends, and they like modern! I just live in a cave. I make BEAUTIFUL houses made of Stone Brick and Wool, Wood and Stone Slabs. With EXTRA details!!!