what harry potter animal will you bring to hogwarts? Ok so we all love Harry potter especially me so i made this quiz so you could figure what pet you would take to Hogwarts. hope you like it! cgkittymew published on September 17, 2013 Stacked 1/7 what is yorur favorite wizard sweet pumpkin pasties licorice wand every flavor beans chocholate frogs droobles best blowing gum 2/7 what is your favorite wizard store? quality quidditch supplies honeydukes Weasleys wizard wheazes madame malkins three broomsticks hogs head ZONKOS 3/7 favorite spell expelliarmus reducto finete incantatem avada kadavera imperio 4/7 what house at hogwarts would you be? gryffindor!!!! ravenclaw seems quite nice hufflepuff slytherin they are all me!!! 5/7 which harry potter book was your favorite? the philosophers stone!! chamber of secrets prisoner of azkaban goblet of fire order of the phoenix half blood prince deathly hallows 6/7 what broom do you ride COMET 260 cleansweep 300 nimbus 2000! shooting star FIREBOLT 7/7 who would be your bff at hogwarts? ginny ron hermione harry seamus neville luna dean parvati