Which Character are you most like in the TF2 book series? Who are you most like? Find out who you are most like from Serena, Fang, Commander or even Sofia! roseandaverybooks published on September 13, 2013 Stacked 1/10 If a friend were down during a game of capture the flag you would... Stop and go back to help them then continue on Leave them there to get up themselves Go get the flag then come back and help them Go back and sit there with them 2/10 On a test you caught your friend cheating. You.... Let them cheat because they are your friend Call the teacher and report them Move your test but let them keep the awnsers they have already used Let them cheat but tell the teacher as soon as the test ends and your friend is nowhere to be seen.. 3/10 You just transferred to a new school and you see a girl getting picked on. You.... Go and tell the bullies to stop Once the bullies are gone, you go and try to make friends Leave her because you dont want to get picked on; but feel bad afterwards Go and make fun of her with the bullies, but try to make her feel better afterwards by apologizing or telling a teacher 4/10 Your Eye color is.... Blue Green Brown Hazel 5/10 If you had to choose one after-school activity, it would be.... A sport like swimming or soccer To participate in a drama or play And art or painting class Some sort of mixed martial arts 6/10 You know the school play is coming up and you decide to... Participate, but as an extra Work with the lights, costumes, makeup, props, ect. Audition for the lead role and steal the show Not participate in anything but come to watch the production 7/10 You know about how a friend is moving away, but you don't want to make a big deal out of it so you.... Act like you never knew him/her Make a big deal out of it anyway Spend as much time together as possible Hang out, but only once for ice cream or such to make the moving less painful 8/10 You have online homeowrk but the website isnt working. So you.... Not do it and tell the teacher the next day Keep on trying and trying until it works Wait an hour then come back and try again Ask a friend for the awnsers 9/10 You would much rather... Eat a school lunch Make your own lunch and eat that Go out for lunch Not eat 10/10 A friend is having their parents go through a divorce. You.... Act like its not happening Invite them over to talk Take them somewhere to keep their mind off things Get her to talk to her parents