Are you shy or not? If you really want to know if you are shy or not you should take this quiz!!!:) starbeauty published on September 12, 2013 Stacked 1/8 Do you get nervous often? Yes No Sometimes 2/8 If you have a conversation with someone you just met are you the one to start it? No never!!! Yes Maybe 3/8 If you were with a group of people do you feel awkward and nervous? Yes Sometimes Never I don't know 4/8 Do you like talking to people? Yes Sometimes No Depends who I'm talking to 5/8 Do your friends invite you to places? Yes all the time Not a lot maybe once or twice No They use to now they don't 6/8 Do you think you are shy? Yes No I don't know People tell me I am 7/8 Do you feel uncomfortable talking to people? No Yes all the time Sometimes 8/8 How many friends do you have? None :( A decent amount Alot Idk I'm not telling you