do you like teen beach movie

do you like teen beach movie

find out if you are truley a teen beach movie. I KNOW I AM!i love ross

published on September 11, 2013

what are the names of the main people

what are the names of the main people

what song did layla sing with struts blondie and chee chee as back up singers

what song did layla sing with struts blondie and chee chee  as back up singers
falling for ya
cruising for a bruising
like me

what song did mack and brady sing together

what song did mack and brady sing together
surf's up
meant to be
like me
surf's crazy
falling for ya

what was the first song when they got stuck in wet side story

what was the first song when they got stuck in wet side story
surf's crazy
surf's up

what song did tanner brady mack and layla all sing together

what song did tanner brady mack and layla all sing together
meant to be
cant stop singing
surf's up