what kind of colour are you?

what kind of colour are you?

find out what colour you are to match your personality have fun fun fun!

published on September 13, 2013

what would you were?

a cute fun dress!
leggings and a long T
a flirty dress! ;)
something cheerful
some shorts/jeans and a T

are you interested in boys?

YES! I love making out and having a guys hand on my ass or boobs!
no way I would never waste my time on boys id rather go and play on the field
I'm not to bothered I like to crush but I don't care
I like flirting with boys and talking with my friends about who's hottest! I always act cute around them.
yes they are cute but id like them more as friends.

what's your personality?

I'm calm
I am rely loud and fun
I love to play sport
I like to go to bed with my guy ;)
I like to go and have fun with my friends

do you like teddy's?

yes I like to sleep with my cute teddy bear
I don't like teddy's
I like my teddy that holds a love note from my boyfriend
yes I like my colourful teddy
I don't rely care

what colour lipstick would you were?

something out there such as bright unusual lip colours.
something neutral and calm