what harry potter character are you (1) take this quiz to find out what harry potter character you are mostly like!!! xoxojax published on September 08, 2013 Stacked 1/5 what house would you want to be in griffindore slitherine dont care that much but all i would not want to be in slytherine for the life of me i dont care i just want to learn 2/5 what would you have as a pet an owl defiantly i would want a cat a mouse i dont care about pets 3/5 whats you favorite subject oh i like all of them so hard to pick one umm i dont have a favorite but love hanging with friends 4/5 whats your favorite thing to do in your free time? oh i love to study if i dont have anything to study i will read a book i would hate to do bad in school. would love to go out and play some quidditch! hmm maby rest a little rest have some fun make fin of people and hang with friends 5/5 i the wizerd world where would you like to go to quiditch world cup i dont paly it would be fun to watch would love to go to world cup i would like to compare my moves to theres dont care somewhere classy hmm i would just like to be with my friends