which naruto charter are you which charter are you out of the naruto charters by answering questions himanrockchalkjimmy published on September 07, 2013 Stacked 1/5 what's a cool fighting move a punch a kick not fighting a chop a palm to the face throwing a flower jumping and kicking stabbing with a pencil belly bounce fast punches 2/5 what's your favorite animal fox snake snail I don't have one cheetah lobster mouse wolves bear panther 3/5 what's you favorite element water darkness minerals shadows no elements just flowers no elements just FLOWERS wind if art was a element things food is made of energy 4/5 what do you like a lot vegetables and granges vengeance lovely dovey stuff nothing fighting looking at sexy people peace drawing FOOD!! power 5/5 what has happened in your life your parents died all of your family is dead you've never thrown a punch you never had fun you've based your whole life on one thing you've loved someone you didn't get out much you drew awesome pictures you got fat you became really strong