which mlp background character are you? in this quiz you will get to see who you are as a background mlp! hope yall enjoy! XxApple_JackxX published on September 06, 2013 Stacked 1/13 how old are you? very young very old teeenager middle age who cares? im not telling you! 2/13 do you play an instrument? yes no 3/13 who is your favorite main 6 mlp? Twilight sparkle Rainbow Dash Apple Jack Rairity Fluttershy Pinky pie 4/13 what is your favorite food here? Apples candy! what else? ice cream muffins pancakes salad 5/13 are you a girl or a boy? ( pick one of these) girl boy;) girly im a boy im a girl girl ;) 6/13 what is your hair style? mohawk wavy normal. the usual get out of bed and brush hair. a braid pigtails straight 7/13 what is your favorite animal here? rabbits birds turtles dogs tiger cats 8/13 do you think your a fun pony? yes no 9/13 do you like to cook? yes no 10/13 what is your favorite school subject? art math gym class geography science history 11/13 What is your favorite color? Orange pink neon colors yellow blues/greens other 12/13 what would you do on your free time out of these? read a book visit my friends and family or travel I might have a small party with my friends practice my music play a board game with someone hang out outside cook 13/13 are you an active pony? yes no