What is YOUR spirit animal? Have you always wondered what your spirit animal is? Now is the time to find out! pigsear published on September 05, 2013 Stacked 1/12 In most situations, are you a leader or a follower? I always seem to end up in charge I choose my leadership positions carefully Follower—let someone else get us in and out of the masses Neither—I prefer to stay on the outside 2/12 How would you describe your social life? No time for play Grabs the occasional drink with a friend or colleague Let’s party like it’s 1999 So many Facebook friends that you don’t know who half of them are 3/12 You find a wallet on the seat next to you on the bus. You decide to: Look around nervously and decide not to say or do anything Pick up the wallet and hand it to the bus driver Pick up the wallet, consider handing it to the bus driver, put it in your pocket, and then decide finally to deliver it to the Put the wallet in your pocket casually and get off at the next stop 4/12 At a party, which room do you gravitate to? The kitchen, to see if I can help out The porch, to get fresh air and chat quietly with a few folks (or chat up a hottie) Family room, to watch the game or tell stories with the crowd Which room is the food in? 5/12 Someone hits your car by accident. You react by: Shivering in your car, unable to get out Jumping out of your car to see if the person needs help Popping out to check the damages done on your car Shouting and yelling in frustration 6/12 Do you listen to your head, or your heart? Feelings should inform intuition. Head. It's closer to my ears. My head consults my heart before making an executive decision. The heart knows best. 7/12 A genie appears and offers to give you only one unique power listed below. Which would you pick? Damage-proof layer of skin A pair of wings Telepathy Superhuman strength 8/12 How gullible are you? I've bought the Brooklyn Bridge. Twice. I can spot a lie with my eyes closed. I'm a skeptic, but I take most people's words at face value. I'm my friends' favorite practical joke target. 9/12 Do you have (or want) a mate for life? Yes! True love is forever. I'm faithful to my mate, but if we broke up, I'd learn to love again. I play the field, but occasionally have a boyfriend/girlfriend. Second dates are for suckers. 10/12 How would you feel if your job required you to relocate? Bring it on! New experiences make life worth living. I'd move, but only if the new place were better. I'd move, but only if the new place were similar to my current home. They can take that job and shove it. I ain't goin' nowhere. 11/12 You have just time-traveled back to 1912, and unfortunately you landed on the Titanic while it’s sinking. To make things even better, your time machine just broke. You decide to: Panic and scream Give up Swim until you find a floating device Use someone (dead or alive) as your float 12/12 News arrives that a package is waiting at your front door. Your first thoughts are: It’s a trap or detonator or something dreadful! I really hope it’s from him/her! Oh, just another package… Who’s bothering me now?