what 39 clues branch are you in? Find out what branch you are lucian, Tomas, janus, ekaterina, or madrigal. weirdfandoms published on September 05, 2013 Stacked 1/8 What is your preferred weapon? poison ring,daggers,poison darts,poison teddy bears,poison fingernails,poison,poison,poison a inventive cane,spy knives,secret agent boots which contain a dagger and some darts. my own body .I AM AWSOME I usally have others do the dirty work for me non lethal weapons, only to distract or partially wound never to kill paintball gun!!!! 2/8 What would be your strategy for finding clues? Use works of art and books to send messages to others. Keep it peaceful, only destroy clues. Also create mystery around me. I would be sneaky lie and cheat. I would kill anyone who gets in my way. What strategy i make it up as i go. Break in first ask questions later. Track others through devices and be super sneaky. 3/8 what branch do you think that you are in Lucian Madrigal Ekaterina Tomas Janus don't know 4/8 Who are you most like from history? Florence nightengale Uuummmm...My mom? Napoleon Bonaparte Mozart George Washinton Thomas Edison 5/8 Where would you like to go the most? I would love to go to hawaii Ireland Russia Loch ness Any of the olympic sites Venice,Italy 6/8 Where would you put a stronghold. A hidden place where no one can find me. I would have the places wiped off the map. All my strongholds would be in plain site. No one would ever dare to break into them. They would all have the best cutting edge security. Most would contain a laboratory or two. A spot were no one can reach no high tech stuff needed. A spot were all my art can be displayed. It will be secret yet super creative. My woman or man cave. Duh 7/8 What is your favorite animal? A polor bear who is awsome. none of the above and below. dragon for its glory yet power. snake for its cunning. A unicorn for prettyness dove for peace a wolf for its creativity and its viciousness 8/8 What is your favorite color. Red. As blood. Green paint, or maybe more of a jade could i see forest.Wait no definitely gecko green... I love black it is so ...so...so...black. White as peace and harmony. A golden color like a machine shine. Blue....as like the sky....or qfeast.Is Meat a color?