what veggie are u? have you ever thought to yourself: if humanity was a vegetable, what veg would I be? probably not but.. take this quiz to find out!!! honeycomb25 published on September 03, 2013 Stacked 1/9 pick one :0) XD B) =-) 2/9 cake or salad cake! salad hmm what about a cake salad! CAKE!!! 3/9 it's your friends birthday soon!! what will you do? throw a massive party!! dddiiiissssccccoooo!! swimming party a picnic with our form 4/9 what's you fave season winter sping autumn summer 5/9 what's your fave genre of music? pop hiphop house and dance anything that's in right now 6/9 hello!! sup!! bath bomb hi!! do you want to race to the door!! 7/9 movie night!! what do you watch?? racing stripes ted kick a$$ the notebook 8/9 what's your fave lesson PE lessons are 4 losers maths art 9/9 what's you fave outfit? tank top and shorts and trainers dresses and flowers and flats jumper, shorts and vans any top, skinny jeans and boots