Marvel Superhero Personality Quiz (1) What Marvel hero are you? Why don't you find out? Are you Collosus, Wolveriine, Deadpool or Black Panther? Scott2001 published on August 28, 2013 Stacked 1/5 What would you do with super powers Protect your country and all who need protection Use our powers to protect and sometimes help with other things. Anyone who is bad you will hurt them as bad as they hurt someone else. Do things for money 2/5 A kid is being bullied at school. What do you do? Sneak up behind the bully and take him down. Jump on the bully while punching him. Charge at the bully without any thought. Nothing unless you get paid 3/5 If you had to give up your secret identity to save the world would you? Yes but before leave steathfully Yes I don't really care about my identity If i get paid. 4/5 What would you rather be. Stealty and cunning Agile and Strong Strong and Sturdy Insane and Unkillable 5/5 A bomb is ready to go off that will kill thousands of people. What do you do. Grab the bomb and throw it into the water. Disable it. Hit it until it stops beeping Cut all the wires and blow yourself up.