do you poop too often? are you abnormal when it comes to your colin? find out whats going on down there with this butt hole-tastic quiz! allierox2002 published on August 27, 2013 Stacked 1/5 How often do you visit the toilet in a day? 3 times. One for each meal! 7 times. I love to stay hydrated! 2 times. I don't really visit ol' John that much. I cant keep track. I <3 FOOD! Not sure. What kind of question is that? 2/5 Do you eat any of these foods? ( choose the answer with a food you eat frequently in it ) banana, applesauce, toast. salad, jellybeans, beans. ANYTHING I CAN GET MY HANDS ON! None of the above. Beef, cheese, crackers. 3/5 Do you take laxatives on a daily/weekly/ basis? I take them daily! Weekly depending on my poop-o-meter. Laxative virgin! Taken them once or twice. Only in emergencies! Only once have i tried it. 4/5 How often are you constipated? NEVER! I always have something coming out one way or the other! Never really. I beat constipation! I get constipated more often than not. Yes, a lot. My proctologist is my bff. 5/5 Do you talk to your doctor about your flow or clog of logs? Never really. My hole just goes with the flow. Me, WORRIED? Pshhh my poop is fine! LOG JAM! I try as frequent as i can. Not exactly. Im not a top visitor. At least once a month.