How Crazy Are you? (1) Are you crazy? Are you not crazy? Do you think you're crazy. Wait what? CHICKEN! vanessa.kozak.391 published on August 23, 2013 Stacked 1/7 Someone you don't randomly starts talking to you... PERV PERV PERV ALERT Slowly walk away Hi, wanna be my best friend. We could so totally be buddies Right? Would you like to see my house? o>O I have to go.... Buy... Something. Bye Are we alien budzz??? 2/7 Describe yourself in one word Crazy :) Supercrazyamazingcolhilarilusfunnyymee Me Me, Who's me? Oh you mean Jason. Yeh Yeh. Alien Mackelmore 3/7 Your house is a... House... My cats cage :) House. Are we watching House? I love that Show! A lovely apartment which I share with people like me A bin. No a cardboard box. Wait. What. I forgot... Up there.... 4/7 Who Is your Father? Why d'you wanna know? Stalker!!! Are you in my house? Where's the camera :/ FLY BUTTERFLY FLY! Bob, Jim, No, I give up, tell me the answer. Darth Vader I'm not giving out my personal details My dad 5/7 You won the lottery, what's your first big purchase? A space ship to visit my family, Up there... I'm coming Venus! A house and car CANDY. LOTS OF CANDY. SKITTLES. A brand new house for my bird A light saber. Jelous? A whole zoo I'm gonna have lots friends YAY! 6/7 What do you like doing? Eating Staring at you :) Iiiiafjnsnfe Looking at my fam in space Nothing Puzzless 7/7 Why have u decided to do this thing? Coz If I don't take 5 quizes a day, the world will end. One of the voices told me too.... Coz I'm bored Because my favorite TV show said. YOU MUST DO A QUIZ NOW! Starbursts... *_* Wait What did you say! Look dancing cow!