What car are u? Roleplay stuff to see which car fits your personality! A Volvo, Mazda, Let's see! ellotherelove published on August 22, 2013 Stacked 1/5 Ooh. Your crush asks you out. On the way to your date, The car crashes into a cow. The grumpy old grandpa comes out. You- say- No, Oldie! I'd never date your cow," and splash your convertible into a stream! Turn to your boyfriend. "Drive us away from that cow," Um... I apologize, Old lady, but it's kinda weird you left the gate door open." 2/5 Thanksgiving or jolly old Christmas? Tots Thanksgiving! Tots C! I'm already humming Jingle Bell Rock! 3/5 A car nearly bumps into you. You- Call them "Jerks!" Sigh Call, "Be more careful in the future!" Go out to see the damage done to your car. Other 4/5 What book series are you reading? Percy Jackson (and the Olympians) Warriors Harry Potter? Other answer 5/5 What quote do you like? "Be the best car ever, better then all the rest!" "Be respectful, change the world!" None. Of. The. Above